Eat This Not That: The Best Weight Loss Stories That Went Viral in 2016 20 BEST VIRAL WEIGHT LOSS STORIES OF 2016 By Sharon Feiereisen December 5, 2016 (Via EAT THIS NOT THAT) From Khloe’s revenge body to a lunch lady who lost 100...
Eat This Not That: 9 Ways Megyn Kelly Stays Slim at 45 By David Zinczenko July 20, 2016 (Via EAT THIS NOT THAT) “I don’t like to get political,” said my friend Jessica a few months back. “But I’d totally vote...
Daily Mail: What a difference a day makes! Make-up free Megyn Kelly steps out without fake lashes that were ‘longer than the Republican debate’ as diet book she touted becomes bestseller PICTURE EXCLUSIVE: What a difference a day makes! Make-up free Megyn Kelly steps out without fake lashes that were ‘longer than the Republican debate’ as diet book she touted...