May 17th, 2016

Introducing, F-Factor Dietitians Speak

Dear F-Factor™ Followers, 

It’s not news that 2 out of every 3 Americans are overweight, fueling many adults to take charge and take the weight off.  But weight loss can be lonely and confusing.  Many diets leave you feeling hungry and deprived or are simply too impractical to be sustainable.  And while we know that excess calories can lead to weight gain, teaching yourself to hate food won’t teach you how to eat right.

That’s where F-Factor comes in. 

Since the publication of The F-Factor Diet in 2006, hundreds of thousands of people have relied on the F-Factor method to shed unwanted pounds and improve their health without feelings of hunger and deprivation associated with most diets. F-Factor’s disruptive approach to weight loss allows followers to see results while dining out, sipping cocktails, eating carbs and working out less, while the pounds melt away. Throughout the years, I have received countless letters and emails from people sharing their success stories. Whether wanting to lose the last stubborn ten pounds, or the need to lose over fifty pounds, readers have reported that F-Factor and its principles have changed their lives forever. Unknown

Our F-Factor practice in NYC caters to a wide variety of clients and lifestyles. Whether in-person sessions or via Skype, clients receive individual counseling that ensures their success on the F-Factor program. Sessions are more than an opportunity to weigh a client, but rather an intimate time for the client to reveal the ups, downs, struggles and successes of his/ her week. 

Which brings me to our new blog: F-Factor Dietitians Speak. Every week I, or one of my colleagues, will share a practical tip, client story or some words of advice that cannot be found in the F-Factor books, stemming from REAL conversations and stories from clients. Our hope is that these blogs not only entertain and educate, they also will inspire you to achieve your goals safely and effectively. 

As always, our core mission at F-Factor remains the same — to help each of you to look and feel your very best, changing your lives for the better in the process. 


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