March 6th, 2018

Cocoa Clash: Who’s Hotter Than Hot?


We’ve scoured supermarkets and restaurants to find healthy FFactor™ approved food swaps for high-calorie favorites. Now you can satisfy your cravings without sabotaging your waistline.*

Cocoa, you know! 

Sip on this: a 2013 study published in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, found that drinking 2 cups of hot chocolate per day could help older people keep their brains healthy and thinking skills sharp. Could cocoa counter cognitive decline? Sound too sweet to be true? In most cases, it is. While memory loss and dementia are certainly undesirable, drinking TWO cups of hot chocolate daily to stave them off can come at a cost to your waistline—even if it is a “healthy” hot cocoa. Swiss Miss’ No Sugar Added mix, for example, packs 80 calories into two mugs worth—down two cups of this daily, and you’ll have put on a total of 8 lbs of weight after a just year. To make matters even more bitter, this product claims to not contain sugar—and yet it contains 9g per serving. We don’t need to tell you that this adds up to be, well, 9g too many. Sorry, seniors, and sorry Swiss, this one is more of a miss. 

But forget bitterness, and push bittersweet to the side—Lakanto Drinking Chocolate offers a sweet deal. For a chocol-lot of reasons! Whether you’re sipping daily to stay sharp or every-so-often to warm up on a cold winter day, Lakanto makes for a smarter sip because it’s sweetened with monk fruit extract, which is an all-natural, no calorie sweetener. Because of this, Lakanto’s hot chocolate is sugar-free (reminder: this is different than a product having “no sugar added”) and only 10 calories per serving. With 10 calories per serving, we can have our 2 cups daily to deter dimension (potentially!), or double up in our mugs to have a rich, decadent treat—and still consume only a quarter of the calories that we would have with the Swiss Miss! On top of that, a serving of Lakanto has 3 times the amount of fiber as any of Swiss Miss’ cocoa mixes, and contains probiotics too. Need we go on? Lakanto hot chocolate mix is vegan, gluten free, dairy free, and made with non-GMO ingredients. Don’t let your brain make an marshmallow decisions—Lankanto is the the clear choice.  


TO JOURNAL THIS PRODUCT: Lakanto Drinking Chocolate – 4g carbohydrate**, 3g fiber [/box]

*Are you interested in having a product featured in Factor-In/Factor-Out? Contact Jessica Rossman for details. 

**Carbohydrate here is digestible carbohydrate i.e. Total Carb – Sugar Alcohols