I scream, you scream, we all scream for F-Factor ice cream!
7 recipes for the ultimate F-Factor ice cream party
Pun intended, one of the COOLEST applications we’ve found of the 20/20 Fiber/Protein Powders is that it is the KEY ingredient to making the #FFACTORAPPROVED ice cream party of our dreams a full on reality. We’re not just talking smoothie bowls or scoops of melty fro-yo either – we mean actual ice cream in cones… and waffle-cone bowls! For less calories, carbs, fat and sugar than the kiddie-cones you’re used to, and with more fiber and protein per serving than scoops of Hagen Daaz, too.
There are a few ingredients and gadgets necessary to make this all happen. The number one thing you will need is a bag of the 20/20 Fiber/Protein powders—the powder is the base ingredient needed to make both the ice creams and the cones. After that it’s just a few simple ingredients—a liquid of sorts and any sort of flavorings—and respective kitchen equipment.
Despite our initial misgivings (and after several failed attempts in the F-Factor Test Kitchen), it seems an ice cream maker is a necessary piece of equipment to make homemade ice cream. The good news is, ice cream makers vary in price and size—from very reasonable, and single serving, to more-of-a-commitment priced, and industrial sized. On the reasonably priced end of the spectrum, we came across both single-pint ($20-30) and 1-quart ($50-60) models that will churn out deliciousness in just 30 minutes. The recipes below, however were made in a 1.5-quart machine, which, depending on the brand and model, vary in price too; anywhere from under $100 to over $300. The main difference we found with the machines is some required the freezer bowl to be chilled in the freezer before you can begin churning. If patience is your virtue you can skip out on the higher priced models that don’t require pre-freezing.
Cones and cone bowls will need respective gadgets too (of course it is optional to have your ice cream in a cone). These can also be relatively inexpensive; we used a combination cone/bowl maker that came with molds to make both and retailed for about $35.
- 20/20 Fiber/Protein powder
- Dairy/non dairy liquid (skim milk, cashew or almond milk, nonfat Greek yogurt)
- Ice cream maker
- Waffle cone/ bowl maker (optional)

By adding food coloring right in, you can turn your vanilla ice cream into a brightly colored frozen treat!
The basic recipe for the ice cream is 20/20 Fiber/Protein Powder (either chocolate or vanilla depending on what flavor ice cream you are trying to make) with unsweetened vanilla cashew milk (or unsweetened almond cashew milk or skim) and nonfat Greek yogurt. Throw that in the blender, pulse, pour into ice cream maker and let it churn. How easy is that?!
Feeling like a waffle cone or edible waffle-cone bowl? You’re going to want to make these before you make your ice creams so they have time to set and harden, but the basic recipe is just as easy: 20/20 Fiber/Protein Powder whisked with egg whites and a little coconut oil and poured into a waffle cone maker.
Once you have your cones hardened and you ice cream maker has finished churning, assembly is easy, just scoop and enjoy.
This is just the basic basic recipe though. Both the chocolate and the vanilla 20/20 Fiber/Protein Powders have distinct flavor profiles and serve as a basis to create endless delicious tastes. With both the ice creams and the cones, you can simply add other ingredients into the mix to swing the flavor and textures to your liking. Matcha cones? Just add matcha powder into your vanilla-based cone batter! Chocolate almond chip? Just throw some slivered almonds and chocolate chips into the ice cream machine 10 minutes before its done. There is truly SO much room to be creative here!
- Simple 20/20 Waffle Cone (for cone bowl use same recipe and follow manufactures directions for the waffle bowl maker)
- Chocolate Protein Ice Cream
- Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Ice Cream
- Creamy Vanilla Peanut Butter Ice Cream
- Mint Chip Protein Ice Cream
- Mocha Chip Protein Ice Cream
- Rocky Road Protein Ice Cream
- Strawberry Protein Ice Cream
- Vanilla Protein Ice Cream
We’ve got popsicles on the horizon! Stay tuned for updates.
Shop 20/20 Fiber/Protein Powders