Easy High-Fiber Egg White Wrap

INGREDIENTS (serves 1):

  • 4 slices tomato
  • 1 Tbsp fat-free shredded cheddar cheese
  • Salt & pepper, to taste

    1. Coat a small-medium pan with nonstick cooking spray and place over medium heat. Add egg whites and stir continually until they are completely cooked. Remove from heat and set aside.
    2. Coat another pan with nonstick cooking spray and place over medium heat. Add turkey bacon and allow to cook until fully cooked and browned. Remove from heat. 
    3. Assemble sandwich by laying wrap flat on a plate and placing sliced tomato on top. Layer with spinach, turkey bacon, egg whites, cheese and any additional topics desired (salsa, ketchup, hot sauce).
    4. Roll together as you would with a burrito, slice in half and enjoy!

    Serves 1, 1 wrap per serving. This is a Step 1 recipe. 

    • FOR JOURNALING ON THE F-FACTOR DIET: 16g carbohydrate, 14g fiber
    • ACTUAL NUTRITIONAL CONTENT PER SERVING: 228 calories, 29g protein, 21g carb, 14g fiber, 7g net carb, 2g sugar, 7g fat, 1g sat fat, 917mg sodium